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    Search Results: Returned 31 Results, Displaying Titles 1 - 20
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      2021., Adult, Random House Canada Call No: QWF Fic Thu    Availability:1 of 1     At Your Library Summary Note: In the midst of war, an ordinary miracle: an abandoned baby tenderly cared for by a young boy living on the streets of Saigon. The boy is Louis, the child of a long-gone American soldier. Louis calls the baby em Hong, em meaning "little sister," or "beloved." Even though her cradle is nothing more than a cardboard box, em Hong's life holds every possibility. Through the linked destinies of a family of characters, the novel takes its inspiration from historical events, including Operation Babylift, which evacuated thousands of biracial orphans from Saigon in April 1975, and the remarkable growth of the nail salon industry, dominated by Vietnamese expatriates all over the world. From the rubber plantations of Indochina to the massacre at My Lai, Kim Thúy sifts through the layers of pain and trauma in stories we thought we knew, revealing transcendent moments of grace, and the invincibility of the human spirit.
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      2021., 02:59:22, Random House Canada Edition: Unabridged.    Click to access digital title. Summary Note: LONGLISTED FOR THE 2021 SCOTIABANK GILLER PRIZE Kim Thúy's Em is a virtuosic novel of profound power and sensitivity, and an enduring affirmation of the greatest act of resistance: love. In the midst of war, an ordinary miracle: an abandoned baby tenderly cared for by a young boy living on the streets of Saigon. The boy is Louis, the child of a long-gone American soldier. Louis calls the baby em Hồng, em meaning "little sister," or "beloved." Even though her cradle is nothing more than a cardboard box, em Hồng's life holds every possibility. Through the linked destinies of a family of characters, the novel takes its inspiration from historical events, from Operation Babylift, which evacuated thousands of biracial orphans from Saigon in April 1975, to the remarkable growth of the nail salon industry, dominated by Vietnamese expatriates all over the world. From the rubber plantations of Indochina to the massacre at My Lai, Kim Thúy sifts through the layers of pain and trauma in stories we thought we knew, revealing transcendent moments of grace and the invincibility of the human spirit. .
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      2016., Pleine Lune Call No: Fic Vu    Availability:1 of 1     At Your Library Summary Note: Ce roman choc raconte la vie tumultueuse d’une famille nord-vietnamienne ballottée par les caprices de l’Histoire et aux prises avec sa propre folie. À travers un récit teinté d’humour, on découvre les aventures rocambolesques d’un clan familial dans sa longue migration, depuis l’Indochine française jusqu’à son exil à Montréal. Saisissant portrait de quatre générations dans un univers où tous les repères s’écroulent. Le personnage pivot de ce récit romancé est le cousin Daniel, qui meurt du sida à Montréal en 1986 et dont personne ne mentionne plus le nom. Du grand-père opiomane jusqu’à ce jeune cousin homosexuel, tous vivent dans leur chair les blessures de la guerre. Avec leurs faiblesses et leurs rêves, ils se débattent pour survivre à la désintégration de leur monde ordonné, disparu dans les vents du changement.Un roman hypnotisant qui allie l'historique et l’intime. This story follows three generations of a Vietnamese family as they struggle through major events of the 20th century. From the War of Independence against the French colonial power to the Vietnam War, the novel depicts a family's resilience in the face of tragedy, as told through the voice of a young girl attempting to understand family scandals within an historical context. At the novel's core is the death from AIDS in the early 1980s of the narrator's half French, half Vietnamese cousin Daniel, a beautiful rebel who is stricken down following a summer escapade in Provincetown. His family of three generations of physicians cannot bear to call the disease by its true name. Daniel dies alone in his Montreal hospital room.
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      [2014], Spiegel & Grau Call No: Fic Kup   Edition: First edition.    Availability:1 of 1     At Your Library Summary Note: A collection of linked short stories about ghosts and hauntings in modern Vietnam and in the Vietnamese-American community. Some are inspired by old Vietnamese legends but reimagined in the post-1975 world--Provided by publisher.
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      -- Stanley Kubrick collection.
      (2001, 1987)., Adult, Warner Home Video Call No: DVD Fic Full Metal    Availability:1 of 1     At Your Library Series Title: Stanley Kubrick collectionSummary Note: A two-segment story that follows young men from the start of recruit training in the Marine Corps to the lethal cauldron known as Vietnam. The first segment follows Joker, Pyle and others as they progress through the hell of USMC boot-camp at the hands of the colorful, foul-mouthed Gunnery Sergeant Hartman. The second begins in Vietnam, near Hue, at the time of the Tet Offensive. Joker, along with Animal Mother, Rafterman and others, face threats such as ambush, booby traps, and Viet Cong snipers as they move through the city.
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      c2012., General, Doubleday Canada Call No: Fic Lam    Availability:1 of 1     At Your Library Summary Note: Percival Chen is the headmaster of the most respected English school in Saigon. When his only son gets in trouble, Percival is forced to send him away. Percival finds solace in Jacqueline, and Laing Jai, a son born on the eve of the Tet offensive. Soon he must confront the tragedy of all he has refused to see. He is also a bon vivant, a compulsive gambler and an incorrigible womanizer. He is well accustomed to bribing a forever-changing list of government officials in order to maintain the elite status of the Chen Academy.
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      c2012., General, Doubleday Canada Edition: eBook ed.    Summary Note: Percival Chen is the headmaster of the most respected English school in Saigon. When his only son gets in trouble, Percival is forced to send him away. Percival finds solace in Jacqueline, and Laing Jai, a son born on the eve of the Tet offensive. Soon he must confront the tragedy of all he has refused to see. He is also a bon vivant, a compulsive gambler and an incorrigible womanizer. He is well accustomed to bribing a forever-changing list of government officials in order to maintain the elite status of the Chen Academy.
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      c2008., G.P. Putnam's Sons Call No: MYS Fic San    Availability:1 of 1     At Your Library Summary Note: Summoned by Lucas Davenport to investigate a pair of murders in which the victims are found with lemons in their mouths, Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension investigator Virgil Flowers struggles to find a connection that could prevent additional killings.
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      2017., Lighting Source Inc. Edition: eBook ed.    Summary Note: The first battle book from Mark Bowden since his #1 New York Times bestseller Black Hawk Down, Hue 1968 is the story of the centerpiece of the Tet Offensive and a turning point in the American War in Vietnam. In the early hours of January 31, 1968, the North Vietnamese launched over one hundred attacks across South Vietnam in what would become known as the Tet Offensive. The lynchpin of Tet was the capture of Hue, Vietnam§s intellectual and cultural capital, by 10,000 National Liberation Front troops who descended from hidden camps and surged across the city of 140,000. Within hours the entire city was in their hands save for two small military outposts. American commanders refused to believe the size and scope of the Front§s presence, ordering small companies of marines against thousands of entrenched enemy troops. After several futile and deadly days, Lieutenant Colonel Ernie Cheatham would finally come up with a strategy to retake the city, block by block and building by building, in some of the most intense urban combat since World War II.With unprecedented access to war archives in the U.S. and Vietnam and interviews with participants from both sides, Bowden narrates each stage of this crucial battle through multiple viewpoints. Played out over 24 days and ultimately costing 10,000 lives, the Battle of Hue was by far the bloodiest of the entire war. When it ended, the American debate was never again about winning, only about how to leave. Hue 1968 is a gripping and moving account of this pivotal moment.
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      2023., Grove Press Edition: First edition.    Summary Note: At the age of four, Nguyen and his family are forced to flee his hometown of Ban Mê Thuot and come to the USA as refugees. After being removed from his brother and parents and homed with a family on his own, Nguyen is later allowed to resettle into his own family in suburban San José. But there is violence hidden behind the sunny facade of what he calls AMERICA TM. One Christmas Eve, when Nguyen is nine, while watching cartoons at home, he learns that his parents have been shot while working at their grocery store, the SàiGòn Moi, a place where he sometimes helps price tins of fruit with a sticker gun. Years later, as a teenager, the blood-stirring drama of the films of the Vietnam War such as Apocalypse Now throw Nguyen into an existential crisis: how can he be both American and Vietnamese, both the killer and the person being killed? When he learns about an adopted sister who has stayed back in Vietnam, and ultimately visits her, he grows to understand just how much his parents have left behind. And as his parents age, he worries increasingly about their comfort and care, and realizes that some of their older wounds are reopening.
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      2008., Simon & Schuster Call No: Fic Hun   Edition: First Simon & Schuster hardcover edition.    Availability:1 of 1     At Your Library Series Title: Bob Lee Swagger ; 5Summary Note: Deep in the heart of Dixie for a weeklong NASCAR event, Bob Lee Swagger, protagonist of the "New York Times"-bestselling "Point of Impact," returns in this explosively gritty thrill ride as he meets justice out to those who targeted his reporter-daughter.
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      [2017], Plein lune Call No: QWF FR Fic Vu    Availability:1 of 1     At Your Library Series Title: Collection PlumeSummary Note: Palawan est lœhistoire dœune bouleversante quête dœidentité. Dès la première page, lœauthenticité des lieux et des personnages captive lœattention. Lang Co, Vietnam, 1979. Par une nuit sombre, seule au milieu dœinconnus, la jeune Kim embarque à contrecœur dans un bateau. Le rafiot, à la dérive pendant des jours, atteint finalement Palawan, un camp de réfugiés des Philippines où sœentassent des Vietnamiens venus de la mer, les Boat People. Le long jeu de lœattente commence alors. Kim nœhésitera pas à mentir sur son identité pour quitter cet enfer. Des années plus tard, au Connecticut, transformée en Américaine dans sa famille adoptive, elle demeure hantée par son désir de retrouver ses sœurs et sa mère. Elle raconte aux uns et aux autres toutes les tristes histoires quœils veulent entendre et sœinvente un passé. Mais sa véritable histoire lui échappe. Ses recherches la conduiront de Montréal à Los Angeles puis, à nouveau à Palawan, où vivent encore, dans les années 90, des réfugiés indésirables qui nœont pu quitter le camp. Leurs récits bouleversants lœobligeront à se rappeler ce quœelle avait choisi dœoublier et lœaideront à faire la paix avec elle-même.